Competitive analysis as a tool for the formation of a strategy for domestic enterprises to enter the world market
competitiveness; chicken market; agro-industrial complex; competitive advantage; analysis; export; import; competitiveness assessmentAbstract
The paper substantiates that information support is an integral part of the successful operation of an agro-industrial enterprise. Strategic marketing decisions are based on comprehensive, up-to-date and reliable information that can be generated on the basis of competitive market analysis.
Chicken production in Ukraine is an important and powerful component of the country's export potential and is characterized by extremely high growth dynamics and competitiveness. The state of the chicken market in the world is studied, the analysis of its production, export, import and consumption for the last years on a regional basis is carried out, the world tendencies of its development and key indicators of development of the chicken market in Ukraine are considered. According to the results of the analysis, determining the current state of the chicken production market in Ukraine, the challenges faced by domestic producers in their efforts to maintain the competitive advantages of products in the current conditions of the world economy were identified.
The necessity of strengthening the competitiveness of domestic agro-industrial enterprises by adhering to the chosen competitive strategy, the choice of which depends on the type of enterprise behavior: creative type, adaptive type and supply type. Based on the matrix of competitive behavior of the enterprise identified strategies that are appropriate for each type. Based on the analysis of performance indicators of the largest exporters of chicken, their competitive strategies have been determined.
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