International economic security of Ukraine in conditions of external threats strengthening
international security; international economic security; international economic relations; external threats; external debt; determinants; economic blockadeAbstract
The paper is devoted to the investigation of international economic security of Ukraine in conditions of external threats strengthening. There were structured approaches to understanding concept of international economic security. It has been defined that it is characterized by such features: importance (complex of rules and agreements which are based on trust and mutual aid); complexity (participation of all the countries which are the members of global community); subjectivity (international institutions); purposefulness (assistance to creation of economic environment which will be directed on strengthening peace). There have been proposed such scenario of worsening international economic security of Ukraine without hostilities on its territory: destabilization economic situation (to bankruptcy), economic blockade in a form of aggressive, purposeful competitiveness; food vulnerability; technological blockade. There have been made an analysis of determinants of international economic security, in particular economic, ecological, geopolitical, social and technological ones. It was analyzed the indicator which belongs to economic determinants in particular the dynamics of external debt as well as it was calculated its prognosis till 2026 which demonstrates the stable growth. There were proposed such steps to solve problem with external debt of Ukraine: development and implementation of mechanism of governance by external debt; not using fragmentary analysis of effectiveness; using system of indicators of debt security developed by IMF and World Bank in the system of audit of debt security of Ukraine.
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