Protecting the economic interests of domestic producers the main dimension of sustainable development in the country.


  • O.B. Shkolenko ПВНЗ «Європейський університет» Уманська філія


competition, subsidies, government grants, affordable loans, tax breaks, innovation


In this article the author examines the main problems faced by domestic producers in the current economic conditions and provides suggestions for their resolution. The author proposes to sustainable development necessary transition to an innovative model of managing domestic producers, because the introduction of new products and new technologies, determines the level of productivity of the economy. In the author's sense given the concept of "performance economy" - is the foundation for sustainable economic growth, provided the development of research and innovation to the domestic industry, and the main result of economic development is the competitiveness of domestic products and ensure a level of welfare. Effect productivity reflects the level of resource support the economy and the associated efficiency of a diversified economy, shows the production of each industry resulting production and consumption of consumer goods of the country. In the author's formulation triangle economic interests of economic development shows the economic relations arising between entities in the production process. For Sustainable Growth desired stable development interests of data subjects.

Author Biography

O.B. Shkolenko, ПВНЗ «Європейський університет» Уманська філія

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки та підприємництва


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