Provisions to improve management of revenues and profits of the enterprise.


  • O.S. Tregubov Донецький національний університет
  • D.I. Lisovoy Донецький національний університет


income, profit, management, formation, efficiency, reserves


The article deals with the problem of finding reserves of improving the management of revenues and profits of the enterprise. There has been evaluatedof the system of revenues and profits of the enterprise and determined its impact on the enterprise management system. The algorithm of formation of the target size of company profits, aiming not only to determine its target level, but also provides a reduction in working time, for various reasons, and thus increase the working time spent. There have ben identified some tendencies of the development and direction of improving the system of formation of profit in the company. The calculations of the impact of the proposed measures to increase the financial performance of the company. The studies and proposed reserves can be used not only for the enterprises, but also for other similar enterprises of the national economy of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

O.S. Tregubov, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент, доцент кафедри економіки підприємства

D.I. Lisovoy, Донецький національний університет

магістрант кафедри економіки підприємства


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