Improving the effectiveness of strategic management of large industrial enterprises.


  • O. V. Stalinska Донецький національний університет


strategic management, large enterprises, capitalization, corporate governance


Expediency choice capitalization rate of growth as the main criterion of efficiency of management, as this index is an indicator preservation of favorable macroeconomic conditions, growth and financial performance indicators, success in innovation, and others. Proved that the efficiency of the strategic management of the company in the current development is inextricably linked to issues of development and governance capitalization. The growth rate of capitalization is a key indicator of the effectiveness of strategic management. Low market capitalization of Ukrainian enterprises compared to foreign counterparts of comparable size businesses necessitates a more detailed examination of the causes of disparities and develop effective management techniques designed to increase capitalization companies. Therefore, the transition to the principles of cost management of enterprises provides a deep strategic restructuring that involves a change in incentive compensation management, improve investment and innovation policy, identify weaknesses and address them in the strategic management, planning and control system, the introduction of performance indicators of the business units and enterprise as a whole, to assess the contribution of managers in success.

Author Biography

O. V. Stalinska, Донецький національний університет

д.е.н., доцент, професор кафедри економіки підприємства


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