Management of competitive advantages soft toys manufacturer
competitive advantages; competitiveness; management; strategy; competition; competitive positionAbstract
The dynamics and trends of the soft toy market at the national and global levels are analyzed in the article. It is noted that the sector has a tendency to grow. This is ensured by the specific features of its operation: a competitive environment, the potential for the release of new products on the market, the relevance of products for relevant categories of consumers and a wide network of sales. It is established that in the Ukrainian market the decision to buy a toy mostly belongs to the mother, and the main advantage is safety. This determines the specifics of the procedures of the marketing complex.
Practical recommendations for managing competitive advantages on the example of a manufacturer of soft toys – a private enterprise «Kopytsya» are offered. Among the main advantages are product quality, wide range, convenient logistics, individual approach to customers, social orientation and a sufficient level of diversification. At the same time, the company needs to pay attention to hidden competitors: manufacturers of knitted soft toys and the toy industry in general, because the digitalization of the industry poses a threat of nonperception of products by older children and adolescents.
Based on the analysis of current trends in the production of soft toys, the main ways to increase the effectiveness of managing the competitiveness of this product were developed: focus on quality and «good name», generating original ideas, meeting modern needs, «picking up» trends.
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