Analysis of sources of investment resources of the agricultural sector of the economy of Ukraine
agricultural sector; national economy; sources of investment resources; source structure analysis; agricultureAbstract
It has been proved that the key condition for the development of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy in the medium and long term should be the growth of investment and diversification of sources of investment resources directed to improving the material and technical condition of fixed capital and technical and technological renewal of the sector. It has been substantiated that it is advisable to include indicators of the share of gross capital formation (in particular, gross fixed capital formation) in the structure of national GDP and depreciation of fixed assets in the composition of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the investment process in the economy of the state. The dynamics of the selected indicators of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy for the period 2010-2019 is analyzed and a comparison of the data obtained with the corresponding levels of indicators typical for the developed countries of the world and developing countries. The global trends in the reduction of the share of gross capital formation and gross fixed capital formation in the structure of GDP are revealed, which, at the same time, is not typical for countries with high rates of economic growth (for example, for China). The dynamics of capital and direct investments in the national economy and in the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy in hryvnia and dollar equivalents is analyzed, the change in the structure of investment resources for the period of the study is determined. The structure of capital investments in the agricultural sector by funding sources (state budget funds, local budget funds; own funds of enterprises and organizations; loans from banks and other loans, including loans from foreign banks; funds of domestic investment companies, funds, etc.; funds of foreign investors; public funds for the construction of their own apartments; other sources of financing). It has been proved that in recent years, the main source of financing for capital investments in the Ukrainian economy and its agricultural sector has been the own funds of enterprises and organizations. The dynamics of capital investments in the economy of the state and its agricultural sector at the expense of own funds of enterprises and organizations, credit funds of resident banks is analyzed in detail. The dynamics of the volume of loans from resident banks and the change in interest rates on loans in the national economy and its agricultural sector are illustrated. The volumes of direct investments by investing countries in the agricultural sector of Ukraine, which were typical for 2019, were analyzed. It was established that 60 countries of the world are investing in the Ukrainian agricultural sector, and the main investors are Cyprus, Denmark and Poland.
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