Features of formation of innovative active environments at the regional level
regional innovation development; innovation-active environment; innovation policy; innovationAbstract
Prospects for the development of the national economy is inextricably linked to the economic and innovative development of the regions. In this regard, the formation of innovation-active environments at the regional level, the construction of a national innovation system and, consequently, the economic development of the state require active participation of regions in the implementation of innovative processes. The article is devoted to determining the factors that determine the need for innovation development of the region. The composition of a typical regional innovation-active environment is defined, its subsystems are described. It is established that the main subsystems of RIAE are scientific and production and technical subsystems. The main functions of subsystems of regional innovation-active environment were considered and the main participants of each subsystem were identified. External factors affecting the development and functioning of RIAE were determined and it was established that it is the state, at the regional level represented by public authorities and local authorities should become a catalyst for the development of innovation-active environment.
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