Features of human resources to ensure economic security of regions


  • Yu. Tymchyshyn “M.I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine”




human resources; economic security of regions; human development; threats; region; human capital


The article highlights the essence of an important factor of the regions’ economic security - human resources. To understand the nature and role of “human resources” for the development of the economy of any country, it is advisable to reveal the four main factors of production: land, labor, capital, enterprise. The quality of human capital in Ukraine is analyzed, namely: human resources; categories of human development; living standards; epidemiological situation caused by coronavirus; wages on a regional basis. The strategic goals of human capital development in the system of economic security of regions are considered: development of health or physical capital, capital of scientific and innovative creativity, as well as intellectual and educational capital in terms of additional education, professional retraining. The priorities of human resources formation in the context of innovative development of regions are described. Threats to the economic security of the regions related to the state of human resources have been identified.

Author Biography

Yu. Tymchyshyn, “M.I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine”

PhD in Economics, Doctoral


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