Hierarchical classification of factors influencing the personnel management system of an industrial enterprise


  • I. Yepifanova Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. Dzhedzhula Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. Pankova Vinnytsia National Technical University




human resources; personnel management; linguistic variables; motivation


In modern conditions, human resources are one of the most important elements in the enterprise. In order for the company to be effective, it is necessary to pay considerable attention to personnel management.
The purpose of the article is to form a set and hierarchical classifications of factors influencing the personnel management system.
The article proposes hierarchical relationships of factors influencing the personnel management system, which, in contrast to existing approaches, allows to take more fully into account the factors that determine the effectiveness of personnel management and to form a mathematical model of intellectual decision support for personnel management. The linguistic variable that corresponds to the indicator of the effectiveness of personnel management is presented as a function of the components that describe the influence of factors of the personnel management system; the influence of internal and external factors on personnel management.
The practical significance of the results is that the theoretical and methodological provisions of scientific work are brought to the level of specific practical recommendations for the formation of a personnel management system and can be used by enterprises to make management decisions to improve business results in their relationship and interdependence.

Author Biographies

I. Yepifanova, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. of Sciences, Professor, Department of Finances and Innovative Management

V. Dzhedzhula, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. of Sciences, Professor, Department of Finances and Innovative Management

V. Pankova, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Undergraduate, Department of Finances and Innovative Management


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How to Cite

Yepifanova, I. , Dzhedzhula, V. and Pankova, V. 2021. Hierarchical classification of factors influencing the personnel management system of an industrial enterprise. Economiсs and organization of management. (Oct. 2021), 82-89. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31558/2307-2318.2021.3.7.


