The Essence and value of development the social sphere in Ukraine


  • T.S. Karpova Donetsk National University


spheres of society, material production, necessities of society, social sphere, service sector, productive people’s activity, material and spiritual welfares, market economy, social economy, industries of social sphere of economy


In the article it is considered the history of emergence and economic content of social sphere and sphere of services. It is analyzed interpretations of the famous scientists, it is offered the authorial determination of the social sphere as a difficult diversified complex that is formed by enterprises and establishments of different patterns of ownership, which greater part of activity results is presented in the form of services. It is identified the factors, that prevents innovative development the social sphere of Ukraine. It is considered the points of view of the famous scientists on the composition of industries of the social sphere. Depending on character of satisfaction the necessities of society, the author offers two groups of industries of social sphere and determines their features. It is presented pre-conditions for development of social sphere in Ukraine.

Author Biography

T.S. Karpova, Donetsk National University

Ph.D in economics, senior lecturer of "Finance and Banking" department


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