Problems and perspectives of the new quality labor potential formation


  • L.V. Shaulskaya Donetsk National University
  • O.M. Laushkin Donetsk National University


labor potential, crisis state, postindustrial society, new economy, self-employer


The article researches problems and perspectives related to the new quality of labor potential in conditions of systemwide instability in Ukraine. In the article operative measures, which should be undertaken by the government with the aim of preventing reduction of labor potential in the current state on local and regional markets are proposed. Determined in the article state policy principles for formation and development of the labor potential new quality of Ukraine, which complies with the requirements of the new economy, act as prerequisites for the sustainable economic growth and emergence of postindustrial society in the country.

Author Biographies

L.V. Shaulskaya, Donetsk National University

d.e.s., professor, dean of Faculty of Economics

O.M. Laushkin, Donetsk National University

assistant of Personnel Management and Labour Economics Department


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