Program-target approach to investment development of territories
program-targeted approach, region, sustainable development, local government reform, planning, state regional policyAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the possibility of using a program-targeted approach to sustainable development of territories. The work pays significant attention to the analysis of the peculiarities of the introduction of a program-target approach to the development of territorial systems in different countries of the world and assesses the possibility of applying the program-target approach in the context of reforming local self-government in Ukraine. The study found that social, economic and environmental interests are interrelated and interdependent. It is emphasized that the achievement of material well-being, an increase in the standard of living play a priority role in modern society. The paper notes the expediency of searching for ways to solve social and environmental problems in the economic sphere. The emphasis is made on the fact that the assessment and forecasting of the investment attractiveness of territories should be directly related to the state regional policy. Thus, the goal of this policy is to ensure the effective development of individual regions, taking into account such factors as the rational use of various economic opportunities of each of them, the effect of optimal integration, territorial division of labor and mutual economic cooperation.
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