The problems and the methods of effective risks’ management of the bank consumer lending in Ukraine


  • T.I. Kravchenko Донецький національний університет
  • V.A. Derevyanko Донецький національний університет


consumer credit, credit risk, scoring, scoring model


The article analyzes the major trends and current status of the consumer lending market in Ukraine. It studies the risks of consumer lending. On the basis of the conducted analysis the article identifies the basic problems that influence on development of the bank consumer crediting. It offers the row of directions for the decision of problems that exist at the market of the consumer lending in Ukraine. It defines a role and necessity of creation of effective risks control system for bank sector development and describing the basic methods of reducing bank risks. It concentrates on the main directions of perfection of risks control system in bank sector for their minimization and increasing of borrowers' solvency. It also concentrates on the level of reliability of banks. The model of scoring is considered as one of effective foreign case bank risks. The article overviews the essence and the importance of credit scoring in preventing risks of consumer credit, the main requirements for scoring models and different methods of building the scoring models. It also highlights the kinds and the advantages of scoring models. In conclusion the article emphasizes the necessity and expediency of permanent perfection of methods of reducing bank risks with the purpose of the effective and profitable functioning of bank sector.

Author Biographies

T.I. Kravchenko, Донецький національний університет

старший викладач кафедри «Фінанси і банківська справа»

V.A. Derevyanko, Донецький національний університет



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