On the question of indicators and criteria for assessing the economic security of the building industry enterprises


  • S. Kosyachevska ДВНЗ «ПДАБА»
  • P. Fisunenko ДВНЗ «ПДАБА»
  • N. Bogdanova ДВНЗ «ПДАБА»


enterprise, economic security, social indicators, financial indicators, criteria of economic security


The paper presents the results of a study of core indicators and evaluation criteria of economic security. The sources of negative influence on the economic security of an enterprise are determined. It is proved that the state of economic security of an enterprise should be evaluated on the basis of a definite system of main indicators. They should reflect the industry-specific and conditions of the company. These include: industrial, financial and social indicators. The main approaches to the assessment of economic security, namely the indicator, resource-functional and target-oriented. Offer a level of economic security to determine by comparing the value of reinvested profits and profit margins necessary to ensure the expanded reproduction of capital. In the process of study and analysis of scientific publications is determined that all of the proposed methodology for determining the safety of the enterprise can be divided into two broad groups: those that offer to evaluate the level of economic security for the whole company, mainly using heuristic, expert methods, or to use the same indicators for all components of enterprise security, and those that offer certain components to consider separately ecosecent, and then integrate and reduce the estimates to the end, the final value. Defined the general criterion of economic security of the enterprise - to achieve their main functional goals of economic security.

Author Biographies

S. Kosyachevska, ДВНЗ «ПДАБА»

к.т.н., доцент кафедри фінансів та маркетингу

P. Fisunenko, ДВНЗ «ПДАБА»

к.е.н., доц., доцент кафедри обліку, економіки і управління
персоналом підприємства

N. Bogdanova, ДВНЗ «ПДАБА»

студентка гр. ЕПз-14с


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