The research of public-private partnership nature and the prerequisites for its implementation in Ukraine
public-private partnership, the public sector, private sector, reforming the economy, investment, public interest, transport infrastructure, housing and utilities, the energy sectorAbstract
The article deals with the concept of the term "public-private partnership" in terms of to definition and implementation and the role of public-private partnership prerequisites in the socio-economic sphere of Ukraine. The macroeconomic role of such collaboration is cleared, the advantages and disadvantages are mentioned here to. The conditions and interests which are considered in PPP of the parties are defined if met will lead to a successful outcome of project performance and the synergetic effect is achieved. The analysis of the dynamics of project implementation according to the sphere and its form of realization in the world from 2001-to 2013 is carried out indicating the discrepancies between the previous experience in Ukraine and global tendencies. Main problems which parties can face while collaborating are defined, especially the lack of staffing. Conclusions are made and the necessary steps for successful application of PPP in Ukraine are given herewith.References
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