Specific features of using the benchmarking tool at the enterprise under modern operating conditions


  • O. Shkurenko Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій




benchmarking; management; business processes; competitiveness; development; analysis


Global Competition, Promotion for Quality, World Achievements in the fields of industrial and business technologies, adaptation to conditions that are quickly changing need to find new effective approaches and business practices. The modern management tool is benchmarking as an integral part of strategic planning and improvement of the enterprise.
The article analyzes the essence of benchmarking as an important component of improving business processes to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. The goals and features of the use of benchmarking as a modern instrument of managerial technology to improve performance indicators and improving product competitiveness and enterprise are considered. he main reasons for the need to activate benchmarking, the main stages of its holding in the enterprise are determined. It is proved that the result of benchmarking is to achieve commercial success, faster and optimal acceptance of managerial decisions. Features of the introduction of benchmarking are the use of experience in leaders of various industries; a detailed study of competition by the interests of the activities of the enterprise; developing a strategy to target key factors.
In the future, benchmarking should become a constant process, through which it is possible to assess strategies and objectives in comparison with similar enterprises, but more successful broad use of benchmarking will ensure that the unique competitive advantages and successful operation of the enterprise in the long run.

Author Biography

O. Shkurenko , Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій

кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри бізнес-логістики та транспортних технологій


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