Ukraine in the system of foreign economic activity: problems and ways of forming conditions for entering international markets


  • І.M. Mytsenko Central Ukrainian National Technical University



foreign economic activity; foreign market; international trade; export; import; export strategy


The dynamics of Ukraine's foreign trade in recent years was analysed. It has shown that Ukraine is a fairly significant country in the world market for goods and services. In 2020 it had a wide range of trade relations with partners from 234 countries. Ukraine exports nearly USD 50 billion worth of goods and is one of the 50 largest exporters of goods. At the same time, the following problems were identified: a slow and unstable growth in exports, a negative balance of foreign trade in goods, an imperfect structure of exports due to its raw material nature.
The principal obstacles to increase exports were identified: the continuation of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and the loss of the part of enterprises producing export products. Obstacles for Ukraine in the way of exporting products to some third countries associated with the actions of the Russian Federation; low technological level of economic development of the country, the consequence of which is a low level of competitiveness of Ukrainian goods, a small share of high-tech products and mainly raw materials structure of Ukraine's exports, which reduces export revenues; insufficient experience and knowledge of domestic manufacturers in the sphere of foreign economic activity, inability to conduct effective marketing research of foreign markets, present their products on them and establish partnerships.
It was concluded that the Export Strategy of Ukraine for 2017-2021 adopted in 2018, which identified the priority tasks for the development of export potential, as well as the established state institution "Office for Export Promotion" will contribute to the revitalization of the national enterprises on the way to conquering foreign markets. For active and effective foreign trade, it is also necessary to strengthen activities in the field of advanced training and the formation of competencies of entrepreneurs, particularly, among representatives of SMEs, which is necessary for participation in international trade.

Author Biography

І.M. Mytsenko , Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Doctor of Economics, Professor Head of International Economic Relations Department


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