Modern trends and globalization dimensions of information technology and systems management in Ukraine
governance; information and communication technology; networked economy; network readiness index; economic growth; website; cloud computing; sustainable developmentAbstract
The article explores the processes of global use of information technologies and systems, which allows creating economic benefits and promoting social and political integration, causing general prosperity and sustainable development of society. A review of the networked readiness system is provided, which provides executives with directive information on the key pillars to take into account the full use of information and communication technologies in their economic growth strategies. The essence of the modern model of the Network Readiness Index (NRI), which consists of four main pillars (technology, people, governance and impact), is revealed, each of which is formed from three sub-pillars, defining in a complex the real state of the use of information and communication technologies in a particular country. The rating of Ukraine according to the Networked Readiness Index and its main four pillars is presented. The degree of implementation of information technologies at Ukrainian enterprises by types of economic activity and their use of information and communication technologies, depending on the average number of employees, taking into account access to the Internet, the presence of a website and the purchase of cloud computing services are given. The essence and measurements of the basic principles (scientific validity, competence, timeliness, completeness of content, flexibility and homeostaticity) regarding the adoption of management decisions in the network economy are considered, which allows obtaining a synergistic effect. It is proposed to focus further research on the generation and design of a communication and information technology system, increasing investment in the information and communication technology sector and further popularizing the Internet and developing e-commerce.
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