Investment provision of «green» economy as a priority direction of state development on the basis of sustainable development
«зелена» економіка; інвестиції; інвестиційна привабливість; інноваційне забезпечення; сталий розвитокAbstract
The key priorities for the development of «green» economy are determined. The state of investment support «green» sector in Ukraine and in the world, the world experience of attracting «green» technologies in the economy has been studied. The obstacles that restrain the increase of investment in the «green» sector of Ukraine's economy and key priorities for the development of the sector based on relevant programs are substantiated. Further benchmarks for the development of «green» economy by attracting investments on the basis of sustainable production and consumption, efficient resources using, as well as promoting business activities in the way of resource and energy-efficient, ecologically safe production are formed. The model of transition of Ukraine to the «green» economy is proposed. It is substantiated that in the conditions of imitation of the experience of leading countries, clear state regulation and support, quality support of investments and clear legislative and legal norms, this model of transition and construction of a new economy can lead to a rapid socio-economic progress of Ukraine.
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