Selecting directions of strategic modernization depending on the influence on the index level of investment attractiveness in hydroelectric power plants.


  • M. V. Shkrobot Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний Інститут»


strategic modernization, direction, investment attractiveness, indicators of development, hydroelectric power plants


In the article formed the main strategic directions for modernization of hydroelectric power plants, depending on the effect of indexes on the level of investment attractiveness of the respective companies. Formed groups of key development indicators in hydroelectric power plants, which fully take into account the specifics of their functioning. Developed on the basis of scientific and methodical approach to the calculation of the factor of investment attractiveness of the enterprise, revealed the dynamics of change of economic, social, environmental and technological development indicators in hydroelectric power plants, which allowed to allocate determinants enhance their attractiveness. Proposed matrix "indicators of development of the enterprise - the level of investment attractiveness of the enterprise", which allows you to choose the direction of strategic modernization depending on the degree of influence of a particular indicator upgrading the level of investment potential of hydroelectric power plants.

Author Biography

M. V. Shkrobot, Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний Інститут»

к.е.н., старший викладач


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