Mechanism of state regulation of the formation of labor potential.


  • K. Shylo Бердянський університет менеджменту і бізнесу


labor potential, labor potential formation, mechanism, state regulation, organizational and economic mechanism


This article explores the approaches of national scientists to the definition of the mechanism and structure of the polity. Proved that in modern conditions the state is the main regulatory entity formation of labor potential and to allow for flexibility of public policy and its focus on innovative development model. Organizationaleconomic mechanism of state regulation of the formation of labor potential, based on the concept of public policy positions and influence organizational, socio-economic, legal, informational, financial leverage trends with the release of its implementation to improve education and health care, the formation of innovative infrastructure , balanced occupational structure of the labor market, improving the demographic situation, cultural and intellectual development of the population that will strengthen public employment potential in accordance with the innovation-oriented model of the national economy.

Author Biography

K. Shylo, Бердянський університет менеджменту і бізнесу

к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту і туризму


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