Rent-land relations: country European Union and national practices


  • O. V. Khodakivska Національний науковий центр „Інститут аграрної економіки”


rent-land relations, agriculture, land rent, rent payments


The modern trend of lease of land relations in agriculture, singled out the existing problems and ways to solve them. The experience of the European Union on the functioning of the lease of agricultural land. Made comparing the proportion of rented land in total land area and EU farmers and agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. Reported growth in total amounts of payments of rent in the dynamics taking place in Ukraine and EU countries except Poland, where the rent was considerably reduced. The distribution of leases by subject composition and in terms of making. Revealed a gradual reduction in the number of contracts concluded for a period of 1-3 years and the increasing number of medium- and long-term lease. The existing trends in forms of calculation of rent for land shares, namely, money, natural, the labor. Established that remains dominant natural form of payment. The structure of agricultural production, which is issued in respect of rent for land shares in agricultural enterprises of Ukraine and found that its main species are grain, oil, sugar, honey, sunflower oil. Found a permanent increase in the share of rent for the land share in the cost structure in crop production.

Author Biography

O. V. Khodakivska, Національний науковий центр „Інститут аграрної економіки”

к.е.н, с.н.с., заступник завідувача відділу земельних відносин


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