The role of extrinsic motivation in creative activity of modern organizations.
creative activity, extrinsic and intrinsic motivationAbstract
The influence of extrinsic remuneration on intrinsic motivation to creative activity performed by personnel of modern organizations is considered in the light of the theory of cognitive assessment. The specific features of motivation to creative activity as compared to performance of routine tasks are summarized. The article analyzes existing in scientific literature contradictions with regard to the role of extrinsic motivation in creative activity of modern workers. It is shown that impact of extrinsic remuneration on intrinsic motivation and creativity could be explained in the scope of interpretative paradigm since the impact is context depended and context is socially constructed reality of studied group of workers. Thus the same measures aimed to support creative activity could potentially have various effects in various organizational environments due to differences in subjective perceptions of the workers. The latter should be taken into account when the development of remuneration systems is considered.References
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