Research of a condition of infrastructural maintenance of regions of Ukraine.


  • L. Sotnichenko Одеська національна морська академія


infrastructural maintenance, the transport infrastructure, competitive advantages, cost of transportation, goods in transit, a level of development and level of use of an infrastructure


In the article questions of an estimation of a condition of development of an infrastructure of Ukraine and its regions in particular are considered. Significance and a role of an infrastructure for development of sectors of a national economy is justified. By means of the statistical data transport dependence of some branches of economy, namely process industry and extracting branch is underlined. Among features of a transport infrastructure advantage railway and motor transport is marked. These types of transport take the biggest relative density in cargo carriags. Also advantage of outward cargos and transit among the general cargo turn-over in territory of Ukraine is marked. By means of factors of Engelja and Uspensky the condition of an infrastructure of regions of Ukraine is analysed and are made clusters, according to a level of development of a transport infrastructure.

Author Biography

L. Sotnichenko, Одеська національна морська академія

к.е.н., доцент, зав. каф. Менеджменту та економіки
морського транспорту


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Державна служба статистики України [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:

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