Diagnosis of economic security of Donetsk economic region
economic security; region; taxonomic indicator; strategy; matrix of strategiesAbstract
To diagnose the economic security of Donetsk economic region the method of taxonomic analysis (while determining the integrated indicator of the economic security level of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts) and the dynamic two-factor matrix "the economic security level — the strategy" have been used. The obtained results allowed the author to conclude that the situation in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts in terms of their economic security level has deteriorated. As of the end of 2018, according to the taxonomic indicator the economic security of Donetsk Oblast is characterized as satisfactory, and the economic security of Luhansk Oblast — as unsatisfactory. The application of the matrix "the economic security level — the strategy" allowed to choose the effective economic security strategy for the study region. Thus, as of 2018, the oblasts are in the "Danger Zone", which corresponds to the transformation strategy. The results of the analysis of the approved economic development strategies of the oblasts through 2027 indicate the compliance of the defined strategic goals and operational measures to the content of the transformation strategy. The implementation of this strategy will allow the Donetsk economic region to transform the region's economy — adapted to external environment and internal challenges and opportunities — in order to achieve the key goal, that is the standard of living and human development, which is the basis of any economic security strategy.
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