Diagnostics of providing component of innovation infrastructure of the Donetsk economic region


  • Yu. Bocharova Донецький національний університет економіки і торгівлі імені Михайла Туган-Барановського




innovative infrastructure; providing component of innovation infrastructure; structural elements of providing structure; Donetsk Economic Region; Donetsk region; Lugansk region; innovative development


The situation and features of the development of the providing structure of the innovation infrastructure of the Donetsk Economic Region in 2013-2019 are analyzed, its place and role in the development of a providing structure of Ukraine’s innovation infrastructure are determined in the article. It is established, the development of innovation infrastructure as a whole, providing components in particular has specific features in pre-crisis (before the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine) and crisis periods. It is determined that in 2013-2019, providing the component of the innovation infrastructure of the Donetsk Economic Region suffered significantly as quantitative and qualitative changes that have had a negative nature and found a manifestation in reducing the number of structural elements of a provisional component of the innovation infrastructure of the Donetsk Economic Region, which naturally affected on the contribution of the Donetsk Economic Region in the development of a providing component of the innovation infrastructure of Ukraine; сhanges in the structure of providing component of innovation infrastructure of the Donetsk Economic Region: the share of such structural elements as investment funds and companies, innovative funds and companies, information and advisory institutions increases; decreases – business centers, business incubators, leasing centers, business support funds, public associations of entrepreneurs, coordination councils, higher education institutions; increasing the share of providing component of the Innovation Infrastructure of the Donetsk region in providing components of the Innovation Infrastructure of the Donetsk Economic Region as a whole.

Author Biography

Yu. Bocharova, Донецький національний університет економіки і торгівлі імені Михайла Туган-Барановського

д.е.н., професор кафедри економіки та міжнародних економічних відносин


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