Charity as a part of socially responsible business: accounting aspect


  • O. Syvak Житомирський державний технологічний університет


charity, philanthropy, accounting, charitable assistance, social investment


The article has been dedicated to the analysis of scientific literature for the purpose of definition of "charity" and determination its place among the components of the social responsible activity of Ukrainian companies for its accounting reflection. Companies’ charity is as diverse as the terms of its describtion: charity, corporate (strategic) philanthropy, corporate citizenship, corporate social responsibility, social investment and others. It has been found by carrying out an analysis of the scientific literature for the purpose of the definition of "charity" that the concept of business charity, corporate philanthropy, corporate citizenship, social responsibility, social investments have a common basis. It has been established that given an aspect, the concept of "charity" should be interpreted in economic terms. It has beeb revealed that charity is the highest (third) level of socially responsible activity of Ukrainian enterprises.

Author Biography

O. Syvak, Житомирський державний технологічний університет

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