Praxeological contour of concepts of the enterprise and its economic security


  • E. І. Ovcharenko Східноукраїнський національний університет ім. В. Даля


enterprise, economic security, approach, system


Background: Definition of the scientific thesaurus and classification signs of concept "system of economic security of the enterprise" according to different concepts of interpretation of concept "enterprise" will allow to order properly components of this system and to determine consistent patterns and the principles of their interaction at the level of such object of security, as the enterprise. Results: The concept "enterprise" and conceptual signs which form a praxeological contour of mission of the enterprise is investigated. The pragmatic aspect of specific activity at the enterprise from ensuring economic security is considered. Approaches to interpretation of economic security of the enterprise for patrimonial signs in a context of opportunities of the solution of trivial administrative tasks within a certain approach are structured. Conclusions: It is offered to connect economic security of the enterprise with ability of the enterprise to function in compliance with the appointment, meeting economic expectations of participants. The main sign of approach of economic danger is creation of such operating conditions under which change of prevailing economic stereotypes and, as a result, change of the settled economic way of functioning is required.

Author Biography

E. І. Ovcharenko, Східноукраїнський національний університет ім. В. Даля

к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту та економічної безпеки


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