Philosophy of intangible power socio-economic systems


  • O. F. Morozov Національній технічний університет Україні «КПІ»


Philosophy, Economics, tangible, intangible, power, socio-economic systems, growth, development, degradation and disappearance


Issues that are discussed in the article in the new philosophical paradigm, in our opinion, it is the search for the fundamental laws of the joint sustainable development of socio-economic systems and convolute humanity and nature. Problems are addressed in the context of power production systems to create economic value in terms of determining the optimal ratio of tangible and intangible assets. The philosophy of the intangible power of socio-economic systems has its origins in the works of domestic and foreign authors in the field: theory, Cybernetics, systems theory, theory organization, structural-functional analysis, theory of reflection, information theory, economic theory K. Marx, dialectics (including "the Science of Logic Hegel), epistemology, history of philosophy, theory of pricing, sociology, social philosophy, philosophy of politics, globally, formal logic (Boolean algebra), statistics, thermodynamics, theory of probability and random processes, theory of turbulence, optimal control theory, cybernetics, synergetics, and others.

Author Biography

O. F. Morozov, Національній технічний університет Україні «КПІ»

докт.техн.наук, професор, заслужений діяч науки і техніки України


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