Managment of innovation potential in conditions cyclicity
innovation potential, environment, life cycle, cyclical managementAbstract
The article deals with the nature and importance of the innovation potential as one of the most important prerequisites for successful performance on domestic and foreign markets in the context of globalization and the subsequent formation of the knowledge economy. The general structure of the innovation potential of the company in the form of system components: technology and production, personnel, financial, investment, organizational, managerial, marketing. The influence of the environment on the formation, use and development of innovative potential of the company. The process of innovative potential offered its main features complement adjustment function, which provides the basis for ongoing monitoring of the environment refine goals, objectives and actions to achieve them. The necessity of measuring the extent of cyclicity in the management of innovative potential and innovative enterprise policy. The basic potential vectors of innovation development at each stage of the life cycle, presented a general algorithm of innovative potential of the company.References
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