Market flexibility as a basis for rapid economic recovery after the financial crisis.


  • O. A. Laktionova Донецький національний університет


financial crisis, flexibility, market flexibility, financial resilence, liquidity, restore the asymmetry, amplitude recovery


The article examines the factors of most rapid economic recovery in the event of a financial crisis, the recovery of the functional capacity of the market in its broadest sense. The characteristics of the market - stability, elasticity and flexibility have compared. The comparison of the main parameters of the financial crisis in 2008 and 2014 have carried out. Market flexibility during liquidity, solvency the devaluation crisises have estimated. Market flexibility is considered from the perspective of adaptability accumulation, ability to settle adverse changes. The ability to use the accumulated potential is estimated on the basis of such indicators like duration of recovery, the asymmetry of the duration and recovery amplitude after the crisis, the duration of the crisis for the entire study period. The lowest values of the potential market flexibility in Ukraine to shocks on the eve of the two crises have obtained, which indicates a weak financial resilience.

Author Biography

O. A. Laktionova, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., докторант кафедри фінансів і банківської справи


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How to Cite

Laktionova, O.A. 2014. Market flexibility as a basis for rapid economic recovery after the financial crisis. Economiсs and organization of management. 1-2 (Dec. 2014), 138-148.


