Implementation of the basic principles of a comprehensive marketing strategy implementation aviation market innovation


  • O. V. Kovalenko Національний авіаційний університет


marketing strategy, aviation industry of Ukraine


In the article the strategic basis for the development of aviation innovation as part of the marketing strategy of integrated innovation is a complex mechanism for implementing an algorithm not only develop the aviation market innovation, but also between strategic agreements and approvals. Phasing is only superficially consistent character, its inner meaning is characterized by a number of administrative decisions (gateways) that allow you to adjust the development process, to disclose the content of the marketing strategy of integrated innovation and shape its implementation. However, it should make a clarification regarding content strategy for development of innovations in the universal model the most of the marketing strategy and integrated innovation, which is directly responsible for the development and implementation of the development of aviation innovations for each of the models featured content algorithms for solving decision on further development of innovations ( and for each phase) or renunciation. The emphasis in this specialization is on the aviation industry of Ukraine, shape the relationship between the developer (seller) and the consumer, the presence or lack of specialization and takes into account the functioning aviation market innovation. Thus, the model is fleshed out and versatile algorithm development and implementation of relevant innovation strategy. The value of the proposed universal model is that the effectiveness of marketing development and implementation of market innovation depends on the subject-object structure actors of innovation and implementation of innovation that ultimately determines the quality of the marketing strategy of integrated innovation and ensure its success, and the state - to establish forms of assistance to the development and implementation of innovation and the development of public marketing development and implementation of aviation innovation.

Author Biography

O. V. Kovalenko, Національний авіаційний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри маркетингу


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