Dynamics of the transport - logistical processes in conditions globalization


  • L. A. Goroshkova ДВНЗ “Запорізький національний університет”
  • В. P. Volkov ДВНЗ “Запорізький національний університет”


In work the carried out analysis of influence transport - logistical by a component on economic safety of black metallurgy. The received results testify to presence of threat to safety of conducting area of a national economy on the part of railway transport, being the natural monopoly. Is proved, that questions, which requires state intervention is a tariff policy of natural monopolies. In case it does not take into account interests of branches of real sector of economy is by the certificate that the development of a home market does not concern to priorities of state economic politics. Especially important for metallurgical the railroad rates are. Today Ukrainian metallurgy competes to the countries, which enterprises are in seaports; as a result of this enterprise of domestic metallurgical area will lose 20-30 dollars on tone. In this situation it is expedient to carry out state assistance to restraint increase of the tariffs on transportation. It is important to note, that the export of black metals is not simply has taken out of raw material, it - trade in the goods with a high particle of readiness to final consumption; By the goods, which, as against ore and coke are by result of complex technological process, which includes as a minimum three stages intensive alteration. In metallurgy justified, in our opinion, it is possible to consider efforts on the part of the state concerning support of a railway transportation and increase of park of own railway park of the enterprises of metallurgical area. The additional reserve of optimization of transport maintenance of foreign trade activities of real sector of economy is expansion of opportunities of use of water transport: sea and river. Expedient it is possible to consider(count) increase of volumes of transportations of metallurgical cargoes as sea transport. Besides practically unused reserve in our country is river transport. Under condition of expansion of its fleet the courts such as “ river-sea”, possible are attraction it to maintenance of transportations export and inward cargoes.

Author Biographies

L. A. Goroshkova, ДВНЗ “Запорізький національний університет”

д.е.н., доцент, академік Академії економічних наук
України, доцент кафедри менеджменту організацій та логістики

В. P. Volkov, ДВНЗ “Запорізький національний університет”

д.т.н., професор, академік Академії економічних наук
України, проректор з науково-педагогічної роботи, завідувач кафедри менеджменту організацій та логістики


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