The essence and impact management processes of human development in the economy of Ukraine


  • O. Hynda ВПНЗ «Європейський університет» Львівська філія


human potential, human development, human capital, labor potential, labor market, migration, administration, regulation, self-regulation


Existing approaches to the concept, the nature, content and structure of human potential. Highlight the following components of human potential as demographic, spiritual, information, environmental, economic, motivational, social, and educational and health component. It is proved that for the study of human potential must use methods of multivariate statistical analysis. Recommended for evaluating the intensity of human development in the region using the method of constructing the integral index of tempo. It is proved that the level of human development has increased in Ukraine in general and in individual regions. A possible mechanism of self-regulation of the labor market to improve the management of its development. Methodical provision clustering units in terms of their human potential and the features of this control system development in Ukraine. Recommended to increase public funding of education, research, health care, and mental and physical development of the population.

Author Biography

O. Hynda, ВПНЗ «Європейський університет» Львівська філія

к. е. н., доцент кафедри менеджменту та гуманітарних


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