The organization of effective corporate control mechanisms as a factor of growth in market capitalization


  • A. V. Voronin Донецький національний університет


capitalization, market capitalization, corporate governance, corporation, capital stock, the stock market


The article considers the impact of corporate control on the market capitalization of the company. Determined that the main direction in solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of corporate governance is to change the principles of building organizational and management structure of the company and the transition to the organization of management activities on the basis of information technologies. The contribution of information technology in improving the efficiency of corporate governance - is the automation of business processes, allowing to create an effective system of corporate management. The effective development strategies aimed at maximizing the capitalization in the innovation economy.

Author Biography

A. V. Voronin, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіка підприємства


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