Adaptation of the enterprise operational management system in the conditions of digitalization of the economy of Ukraine


  • O. Taranych Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



operational management; social reproduction; digitalization of the economy; strategic development of enterprises; production functions; operation; strategic management; professional and industrial relations


In the article the background for development of the management and administration knowledge field of Ukraine as an improvement of the operational management system is determined. The existing system of traditional management corresponds to the development of industry at the stage of mechanization and automation of labour but does not include the development of the service industries, robotization and digitalization of production, does not unite it in the value chain throughout the cycle of social reproduction, up to relations with end consumers. Based on the need to coordinate actions at all stages of the production process, which in the context of globalization has a multinational character and unites suppliers of raw materials, semi-finished products, components with manufacturers of final products, and also combines counterparties for its distribution, exchange and consumption, modern operational management aims to combine operational cycles of production with other functional areas of development both inside and outside the enterprise.
A task to adapt the enterprise management system so that it corresponds to the main trends in the development of the world economy and includes the digitalization of all stages of the process of social reproduction has been formed.
The experience of developed countries is underlined, according to it the operational management of multinational companies determines the growth of competitiveness and forms, altogether with logistics, marketing, benchmarking, a new concept of the functioning and development of enterprises in the context of adaptation to the conditions of the informational, digital economy.
The aim of the study is to determine the directions of the enterprise management system adaptation in the context of the digitalization of the Ukraine’s economy.
It has been determined that digitalization of the world economy changes the business environment and requires the management of companies to apply new methods and approaches to operational management associated with effective organizational management structures edification and overcoming defects inherent to the era of pre-digital management. In the context of global informatization the management system of modern enterprises should cover the entire cycle of social reproduction up to relations with end customers, as well as other functional links that hand in hand form a system of strategic management and development of an enterprise.
It has been proved that an operation is a functionally complete set of actions that leads to a certain managerial result.
It is substantiated that in the context of the digitalization of the Ukrainian economy, the adaptation of the enterprise management system should take place in certain directions. This is the development of long-term planning and forecasting necessary to overcome the uncertainty and variability of the conditions of the country's economic and political environment. This is the introduction of the latest knowledge and technologies, especially the information and computer direction. This is the development of a policy of social responsibility of business and corporate culture in the country, so that the top and middle management levels are the providers of corporate changes and professional relations built in a transparent digital world.

Author Biography

O. Taranych, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

к.е.н., доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту та поведінкової економіки


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