Monitoring of behavioral models of labor market actors in the system of information and analytical support of state policy


  • N. Yakymova Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



behavioral models; labor market; state policy; methodology; algorithm; monitoring; information and analytical support


In the article the methodology for determining the behavioral models of labor market actors and ensuring their monitoring in the system of information and analytical support of public policy is proposed. An algorithm for defining, typologizing and regulating the behavioral models of labor market actors has been developed, consisting of the following stages: a study of behavioral models of labor market actors to identify their species and types, to determine the factors influencing their formation and development; grouping of factors that most significantly affect the formation and development of behavioral models of labor market actors; identification of factors that determine the characteristics of behavioral models of labor market actors, and the characteristics that are inherent in them; identification and systematization of criteria for assignment to a certain type of behavioral models of labor market actors; development of methodological bases for creating a comprehensive system for assessing the behavioral models of its actors available on the labor market; analysis of the current situation in the labor market and forecasting its development in the short and long term for timely identification and adjustment of existing behavioral models of labor market actors; providing preconditions for stimulating the development and dissemination of effective behavioral models of labor market actors; monitoring changes in the types and kinds of behavioral patterns of labor market actors in order to timely identify, identify and support the state and business.

Author Biography

N. Yakymova, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

кандидат економічних наук, доцент


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