The role of territorial communities in providing local economic development: theoretical principles of the study.


  • O.M. Bezpalko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



territorial community, united territorial community, model of development of the territorial community, economic model, strategic planning, development, economic development, community management


The article defines the theoretical foundations of the study of the association of territorial communities. According to the results of the study, it was found that under the current conditions of economic development, when trends tend to deteriorate the economic situation and exacerbate the financial crisis, it is impossible to achieve the strategic goals of the state without attracting additional sources of local budgets. It is proved that the solution of these problems will be facilitated by the creation of voluntary associations of territorial communities. The basic approaches to the definition of the essence of the notion of a territorial community are analyzed, and it is determined that it is considered as the primary subject of local selfgovernment, which directly or indirectly participates in solving local issues. It is substantiated that the united territorial community is a community that is capable of providing adequate education, culture, health, social protection, housing and communal services for its inhabitants on the basis of a new model of financial and economic provision through the relevant local selfgovernment bodies. It is established that in order to improve the effectiveness of the reform of local self-government, it is necessary to ensure: revision and formation of a long-term plan for the association of territorial communities with maximum consideration of geographical, cultural, ethnic and other specifics of communities; information and explanatory support of the process of association of territorial communities; conducting training seminars for local government officials and the public on various aspects of reform.

Author Biography

O.M. Bezpalko, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



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