Health care in the context of human capital development


  • H. Zasorina Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



human capital; health care; investment in human capital; investment in health care; state of health of the population


The transition to a post-industrial economy and the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrate the importance of human capital for economic development and support during the crisis. One of the determining factors in the formation, accumulation and development of human capital is an effective medical system and good public health. The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of health care in Ukraine. The general state of health of the population in comparison with European countries, the level of availability of medical services for the population, subjective assessments of their own health by Ukrainians are analysed. The possibility of individual investment in health has been identified. The state investments in health care, provision of the population with hospitals and medical staff, the main medical reforms aimed at the development of human capital are considered, and their efficiency is determined. The main reasons for the low life expectancy and the inability of part of the population to make individual investments in health care have been identified.

Author Biography

H. Zasorina , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD student


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