The relationship between export structure and economic development: the Bulgarian case.


  • G. Zaharieva D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics

Ключові слова:

foreign trade, competitiveness, high-skill and technology intensive manufacturers, CMSA


The Bulgarian government faces the challenge of finding solutions to improve the economic situation of the country taking into account both the specifics of the country and its membership in the European Union. Of course, these solutions are not simple or unidirectional and affect different aspects such as investment, foreign trade, innovation and other. For a small and open economy such as Bulgaria export-oriented growth model is an option to achieve growth and economic development. A large body of publications examines the relation between export and economic growth. Some of them support the idea that the switch to export from low to high-tech industries products increases the potential for economic growth, while the geographical diversification of exports establishes conflicting results, Some of other emphasize the need for additional measures related to other sectoral policies to improve export performance. To this end, the paper aims to analyze the main changes in the structure of the Bulgarian exports of goods, taking into account their technological complexity and the quality of the workforce and to what extent they relate to economic growth. This analysis should consider factors such as volume, destination and product mix.

Біографія автора

G. Zaharieva, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics

PhD, Assoc. Professor


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Як цитувати

Zaharieva, G. 2016. The relationship between export structure and economic development: the Bulgarian case. Економіка і організація управління. 4(24) (Вер 2016), 21-27.


