The brain drain: opportunities of leveling at the corporate level.


  • S. Kalinina Donetsk National University (Vinnitsa)

Ключові слова:

brain drain, labor market, human resources


The brain drain as a manifestation of intellectual migration in the context of globalization makes necessity to form a powerful counterweight with the aim to save intellectual capital of donor labor. In the context of the inertia of government regulation mechanisms of migration and lack of efficiency of the education market in the context of national economies staff the necessary qualifications, dramatically increasing the value of enterprise-level management of human resources in the labor market. At the corporate level there is a possibility of operational leveling the main causes of the brain drain, such as the low wages, lack of opportunity for self-realization, lack of opportunities for professional development, etc. For instance, the experience of "Donetskstal" (Ukraine) is a good example of the effective regulation of corporate labor market.

Біографія автора

S. Kalinina, Donetsk National University (Vinnitsa)

Doctor of Economics, Professor


Kalinina S.P. Employment Restructuring and Regulation. – Donetsk, 2006. – 557p. (Калініна С.П. Реструктуризація і регулювання зайнятості. - Донецьк, 2006. – 557с.)

The Transformation of the International Labor Market in Terms of Globalization; ed. By Dr. S.P. Kalinina / S.P. Kalinina, Y.O.Getmanenko, O.S.Gaydash. – Vinnitsa: LLC "Nіlan-LTD", 2015. – 240p. (Трансформація міжнародного ринку праці в умовах глобалізаційних зрушень; за заг. ред. д-ра екон. наук, професора С.П. Калініної / С.П. Калініна, Ю.О. Гетьманенко, О.С. Гайдаш. – Вінниця: ТОВ «Нілан-ЛТД», 2015. – 240с.


Як цитувати

Kalinina, S. 2016. The brain drain: opportunities of leveling at the corporate level. Економіка і організація управління. 3(23) (Вер 2016), 60-65.


