Social changes and economic development in Georgia.


  • S. Shaburishvili Tbilisi State University

Ключові слова:

Economic development, GDP, inflation, social change, governmental finance


After the collapse of the Soviet Union Georgia experienced a protracted crisis during which the country lost its territories as a result of conflicts and gross domestic product (GDP) has been cut by 2/3 since 1990. Since then Georgia has faced a serious problem with its development that was caused by the necessity of transition. The course to European values, taken by Georgia, had no alternatives. Despite achieving considerable success in political, economic and social fields, living standards and quality of the population still remains extremely poor. Satisfaction of public requirements significantly lagged behind the high rates of economic growth. At present, Georgia is facing a number of economic problems, which need to be solved in timely manner, otherwise macroeconomic stability of the country will face serious threats.

Біографія автора

S. Shaburishvili, Tbilisi State University

doctor of economics, associate professor


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National Statistics Office of Georgia.

Georgia: Absorbing External Shocks, World Bank Group, Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management: Global Practice, Georgia Economic Update, No.2, 2015. p. 5.

Meskhia I., Shaburishvili Sh., Major Threats to Economic Stability in PostCommunist Georgia: Reality and Prognosis, Organization in changing environment – conditions, methods and management practices, Warsaw, 2014. p. 31-44.

ITC, Market Access Map. eorgia&bysection=0

Shaburishvili Sh., Peculiarities of Georgian Foreign Trade with the European Union, Bulletin of Khmelnitsky National University, 2011, № 2, Vol.2 p. 252-254.



Як цитувати

Shaburishvili, S. 2016. Social changes and economic development in Georgia. Економіка і організація управління. 3(23) (Вер 2016), 12-18.


