Research of expediency of use of new and kept cars by means of Ms Power BI


  • Yu. Popovskyi Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  • T. Popovskyi Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


Ключові слова:

сars; analytics; electric cars; efficiency; ecology; efficiency; Ms Power BI


In today's very rapid conditions of technology development, automation of production, the introduction of robotics from time to time in the global market there are situations of reassessment of the value of skills, knowledge, products, services and more. Example. The development of electric vehicles has a significant impact on the environment, efficiency and reliability of transport technologies and forces manufacturers to reconsider the feasibility of producing internal combustion engines. The growing environmental requirements for modern cars in the world community are forcing owners to buy cars that are much more environmentally friendly, safer, easier to use, and do not require constant maintenance. This vision of world realities has another side of the car fleet. As is well known, there is a secondary market for cars and, accordingly, countries with high environmental standards prohibit or restrict the operation of such equipment that does not meet environmental standards. Such equipment is later resold to other countries and is dangerous to the world. An example is Germany, which has banned the use of diesel cars that do not meet EURO-environmental standards. Accordingly, some of these cars immigrated to the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Біографія автора

Yu. Popovskyi , Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

Associate Professor. Department of Economic and Management Analytics



Own Youtube channel about cars url:

Research on electric cars in the journal Scopus url:https://www.businessperspe

Development of electric cars. New ecology. –Url:

Ukraine is among the top ten European countries in the market of electric vehicle sales.–Url: v_desyatku_krayinlideriv_yevropi_na_rinku_prodazhiv_elektromobiliv&objectId=1407380

Research in Post-Compulsory Education. Taylor & Francis (Routledge). URL: Економiка i органiзацiя управлiння, No 1 (45) 2022 75

Derzhavna statystyka Ukrainy. URL:

Derzhavne pidpryiemstvo «Inforesurs» (State Enterprise «Inforesurs») 2022.




Як цитувати

Popovskyi, Y. і Popovskyi, T. 2023. Research of expediency of use of new and kept cars by means of Ms Power BI. Економіка і організація управління. (Лип 2023), 57-61. DOI:


