Identifying trends in the development of higher education of Ukraine by visual analytics
DOI:Ключові слова:
higher education in Ukraine; visual analytics; Power BI; education analytics; ranking of specialties; labor marketАнотація
The article analyzes the development trends of higher education institutions of Ukraine, scientific priorities of profile specialties and the principles and criteria of their rating by specialty are substantiated. Taking into account the changes in the economy in the direction of digitalization, a retrospective analysis of the labor market was conducted. The priorities of entrants in choosing modern specialties are outlined.
As part of the study was found, that the number of institutions of higher education, operating on the territory of Ukraine, as well as the number of students, who learn from them, dynamically decreasing. At the same time, there is a decrease in the use of public funds, with a simultaneous increase in the use of funds of individuals and local budgets. The work is noted, that number of students, who will receive education at all levels, significantly decreases. Moreover, there is a quantitative advantage of men in obtaining preschool, primary, secondary and post-secondary non-higher education, as well as a short cycle of higher education. However, at the level of bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs, a significant quantitative advantage of women has been revealed, which has recently tended to decrease, especially at the doctoral level.
Information flow of registered entrants of the unified state electronic database of education for 2018-2020. developed by Microsoft Power BI big data processing software, which made it possible to quickly and efficiently obtain analytical data from the submission of documents to the enrollment order.
Thus, according to research in Ukraine, specialties have been identified, which border on information technology and are in demand in the labor market. It should also be added, that there are directions in the study, which should be reviewed and upgraded, or combined to improve their effectiveness.
It also became obvious that the quality of higher education services provided primarily meets the requirements of the modern information market, especially during the pandemic.
Educational programs, which provide for dual forms of learning, carry out its internal evaluation, that is, provide a set of measures and procedures, which guarantee the quality of the offered educational services that meet modern market criteria.
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